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Do Search Engines Know You Exist?

Your web site design should focus on not only function and creativity, but search engine optimization (SEO) as well. Building a web site with the purpose of driving traffic is as important as providing a design that communicates your message. Web site content & structure is an important part of your design. If you are not happy with your search engine placement, establish a link referral assessment and program, and create an optimization action plan focusing on SEO copywriting. Google, Yahoo and other major search engines should be constantly monitored. At Burke Advertising, we work with our clients and establish an assessment of current website rankings.

Burke Advertising designed and has launched the new web site for Johnston Associates of High Point, North Carolina. Johnston Sales is comprised of a team of professionals dedicated to the promotion of kitchen cabinetry through dealers throughout the country. With popular words like kitchens and cabinets, we worked for key placements for the manufacturers they represent like Great Northen Cabinetry and Holiday Kitchens.

Click to view Johnston Sales web site designed for style and SEO

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