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Legacy Bridge

Not Just Kitchens Lends a Hand 

Not Just Kitchens of Bedford is changing lives  with their non-profit organization Legacy Bridge Inc.

Incorporated in 2005, Legacy Bridge began with the goal of aiding orphaned children in Russia by supplying basic amenities in orphanages. Legacy Bridge spends 100% of its donations on programs and supplies directly impacting the lives of children. 

The volunteers work as they assist five orphanages serving over 350 children. Mark Davis from Not Just Kitchens is a founder of this fantastic organization and has traveled to Russia to see first hand their efforts in action. If you wish to support Legacy Bridge visit or visit the Not Just Kitchens showroom and purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win tickets to a Red Sox game.

Are you active in charitable work or do you have a charity of choice you would like us to feature? Email to be featured in an upcoming "Clients Who Care" story.

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