It is important to remember a few tips while grabbing footage of an interview. One tip is to try and make your clients feel as comfortable as possible so that they can answer questions with ease and at their own pace. The most important part of shooting footage is to prepare the questions before the interview to ensure that you are asking the right questions in order to receive accurate and significant information in return. Chris is on location at NH Eye Associates capturing interviews of our client's outstanding doctors, including their new pediatric ophthalmologist. The footage will be used across multiple mediums including television, online video marketing and social media.
One of our favorite annual events is taking place on September 27th. Please join us by supporting the Annual Rivier University Golf Classic. You will help provide opportunities for their student-athletes to excel, both on and off the playing fields and courts. Contact us to donate a raffle prize item, become a sponsor, or play in this fun event. #funClients #rivieruniversity #rivier #riviergolf #nhGolf #burkeadvertising