From time to time, we like to highlight great things our clients do to make their communities a better place. As we approach the end of 2012, here are just a few of our clients who have shown how much they care. Feel free to thank them using the provided Facebook link!
New Hampshire NeuroSpine Institute's employees are giving back to the community by way of the New Horizons Food Pantry this holiday season. On Fridays in December, employees are able to wear jeans to the office -- for a monetary donation
The Banks Chevrolet Team got geared up for the "Making Strides" 5-mile walk. Banks participated as a Gold Corporate Sponsor and raised $6,279.71 for breast cancer! We are happy to see our client show their support!

to New Horizons.
Rivier University's annual Thanksgiving Basket Project collected 362 baskets (a new all-time record!) this year that were distributed to 11 local agencies at their Interfaith Thanksgiving prayer service.
In lieu of holiday cards and gifts this year, Eaton & Berube Insurance donated their holiday fund to the Granite State Children's Alliance, an organization that helps the victims of child abuse and their families heal and move on to better lives. They also ran a radio campaign asking other area businesses and individuals to contribute as well.