Summer events provide great partnership opportunities to promote new products and build your brand. Our client East Coast Lumber is giving its Facebook fans a chance to win tickets to the Boston-Portsmouth Air Show as part of their product launch. It's a fun summer promotion that ties into the community, rewards current fans, builds new ones and most importantly, announces that East Coast Lumber now carries three top home improvement brands: Toro Mowers, DeWalt Power Tools and California Paints.
One of our favorite annual events is taking place on September 27th. Please join us by supporting the Annual Rivier University Golf Classic. You will help provide opportunities for their student-athletes to excel, both on and off the playing fields and courts. Contact us to donate a raffle prize item, become a sponsor, or play in this fun event. #funClients #rivieruniversity #rivier #riviergolf #nhGolf #burkeadvertising