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Clients Who Care - Ken Jones of Nashua

Clients Who Care - Ken Jones of Nashua donated $1,200.00 to the Easter Seals NH Veterans Count Club! The more our customers bought in honor of Veteran's Day the more money was donated to support local Veterans.

The Veterans Count Club was created to ensure New Hampshire's veterans and their families do not have to endure personal struggles after sacrificing so much for our country. The Veterans Count Club, quite simply, provides financial assistance to veterans and their families in need of emergency services.
For more information on the Easter Seals NH Veterans Count Club, click here.

Pictured from left: David Harrold, Veterans Count Club Advisory Board Member and Vice President of Product Support for the Electronic Systems sector at BAE Systems; Jeffrey Proctor, Owner of Ken Jones Ski & Snowboard Mart Nashua; Daisy Wojewoda, Director of Veterans Services, Easter Seals New Hampshire; and Linda L. Sirak, V.P. Major Gifts & Planned Giving, Easter Seals New Hampshire

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