Offering Video To Your Customers
InBrella Launches New DVD
When Burke Advertising recently produced a new long form video for InBrella Systems, we realized we could not rely on only on web streaming. For over ten years we have used the "Free Video" offer to attract leads. Yes, it started as a VHS tape for those of you who remember those. If we simply posted the video online, we were concerned we'd remove an incentive to pick up the phone and call our client.
As it turns out, even with the video online, the free DVD offer continues to generate sales with the highly targeted group of Facilities Directors.
If you are producing a long form video, utilize the web, but also consider your audience and if they would want something to touch, feel and pass around. It is still a popular handout at tradeshows and it is also an inexpensive way of saying "give us a call".
Burke Advertising Videos