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The War Room By Michael Holley

You don't have to be a football fan to appreciate Bill Belichick's dedication, work ethic and quite simply - his leadership. 

With an intense ability to prepare for challenges, Coach Belichick has built an impressive career of success in one of the most difficult industries. The War Roomtakes you on the field, in the locker room and into his office. 

The title of this work is quite fitting. I could not help but be reminded of the Sun Tzu quote, "Every battle is won before it is ever fought" as I read each chapter. As the author states, " aren't won on Sundays in the fall. They're won on draft day in the spring." Michael Holley weaves us through the impressive history of not only Coach Belichick's, but also his important relationships including his Director of Player Personnel, Scott Pioli.  

Read this book about a man who could lead not only a Tom Brady, but a Randy Moss as well. The War Room is a good read for any manager and a must-read for any Patriots fan.

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