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Utilizing Facebook's "Dark" Posts

Using social media is one of the best ways to reach your target market by age, location, and likes! More recently, Facebook "dark posts" have become a well-liked tool among advertisers. Facebook "dark posts," otherwise known as "unpublished posts," are posts that will not show up on your timeline, yet will still show up in the newsfeed of your targeted audience. 

This gives advertisers total control over who can see that message, and allows for the creation of posts solely for the purpose of advertising. One of the greatest advantages to using "dark posts" is the ability to test different messages without cluttering your timeline.

For a client like Best Fitness that has 11 fitness locations and 11 different Facebook pages, using "dark posts" is an efficient way to manage their Facebook advertising, while catering each message to a specific geography. Below is an example of a "dark post" from our New Year, New You campaign for Best Fitness.

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