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Clients Who Care

MDfitness Donates DVDs to Fight Cancer

Bedford, NH – (February 7, 2014) – The founders of MDfitness, Dr. Tom Kleeman and his wife Anne Talbot-Kleeman, are launching a new program to help cancer patients called MDfitness Cares. They are donating DVD copies of The Doctor’s Workout to oncologists and patients who need a simple exercise program to help with cancer treatment and recovery.

The Doctor's Workout is a safe, effective, full-body exercise program that assists in the prevention of health issues such as breast cancer and colon cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, depression and diabetes.

“Tom is a cancer survivor and we know how important this program can be to a patient that has been advised to have a workout program,” said Anne Talbot-Kleeman. “This program is too important to not share with someone fighting this deadly disease.”

Tom Kleeman, MD, author of The MDfitness Health Watch blog and cancer survivor, has made it a mission to introduce cancer patients to the benefits of The Doctor’s Workout, an exercise program tailored to those recovering from surgery and chemotherapy. Through the program’s website, cancer patients will receive a free copy of The Doctor’s Workout DVD. From the comfort of their own homes, patients will be able to reap the benefits of this specialized exercise program that has been scientifically proven to help them prevent and conquer their cancer.

Tom Kleeman, MD, nationally-renowned Orthopaedic surgeon, along with Anne Talbot-Kleeman, RN and Certified Fitness Professional, are the creators of MDfitness, The Doctors Workout.

For more information go to

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