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The Power of Video

Showcasing Your Customer in Your Marketing
When your target audiences are two distinct groups (such as professional contractors and not-so-professional do-it-yourselfers) that tend to be at opposite ends of the spectrum, it can be difficult at times to craft a cohesive marketing message that speaks to all. Such is the case for client East Coast Lumber. This December, we started a new approach - highlighting their contractors in the marketing message.
As part of the campaign, we took a year's worth of East Coast's contractor projects and showcased them in a six-minute video set to music. The video highlights not only the ECLvideocraftsmanship of the contractors, but also the quality materials and products available at East Coast Lumber. The video debuted at the Southern NH Homebuilders and Remodelers Annual Dinner to great reviews and is also being used in-store and will be featured at several 2011 trade shows.

If you're interested in creating a long-form video for your company, contact Burke Advertising today for more details.

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